PIXF2079.ARJ PixFolio Image Catalog System 2.79 Reads BMP, FLI, PCX, GIF, MAC, IFF/LBM, IMG, etc, etc. Maintain and print catalogs, search by keywords or file attributes. Manipulate images etc.
WINGIF14.ZIP WinGIF: View GIF Files.
WIN_VIEW.ZIP Windows Image Viewers A collection of small image file viewer applications. Included are viewers for Macpaint, BMP, GIF, PCX, TGA, WordPerfect WPG, TIFF, etc, etc.
Pman155.arj Picture Man v1.55: image processing tool designed for true color image enhancement, painting, retouching, etc; offers 46 different bitmap operations, allows you to process an image in a selected area with sharp or smooth edge; supports/converts TIFF/PCX/GIF/TARGA/JPEG/EPI/BMP files; makes palette optimization, color and black-andwhite dithering and printing, and much more.
Winrip.arj Converts GIF, PCX, & others to RIP icon format.
GDWSS.ZIP Graphics Developer With Slide Show 2.4.6 lets you browse, search, find, create, view, enhance, convert, and print graphic files.
TILER_NT.ZIP Tiler 1.0.1 is a GIF and JPEG image file viewer.
VUEPRNT.ZIP VuePrint 3.3 lets you display and print GIF, JPEG, and BMP files. Features include slide show capabilities, image scaling, zoom/pan, fast dithering, and much more.